Hadronic Process: Nuclear De-excitations interface
explicit G4VEvaporation();
virtual ~G4VEvaporation();
// vector of products is added to the provided vector
// primary fragment is deleted or is modified and added to the list
// of products
virtual void BreakFragment(G4FragmentVector*, G4Fragment* theNucleus);
// definition of options
virtual void InitialiseChannels();
virtual void SetPhotonEvaporation(G4VEvaporationChannel* ptr);
inline void SetFermiBreakUp(G4VFermiBreakUp* ptr);
inline G4VFermiBreakUp* GetFermiBreakUp() const;
inline G4VEvaporationChannel* GetPhotonEvaporation();
inline G4VEvaporationChannel* GetFissionChannel();
// for inverse cross section choice
inline void SetOPTxs(G4int opt);
// for superimposed Coulomb Barrier for inverse cross sections
inline void UseSICB(G4bool use);
inline size_t GetNumberOfChannels() const;
void CleanChannels();
G4VEvaporationChannel* thePhotonEvaporation;
G4VFermiBreakUp* theFBU;
G4int OPTxs;
G4bool useSICB;
std::vector<G4VEvaporationChannel*> * theChannels;
G4VEvaporationFactory * theChannelFactory;
G4VEvaporation(const G4VEvaporation &right) = delete;
const G4VEvaporation & operator=(const G4VEvaporation &right) = delete;
G4bool operator==(const G4VEvaporation &right) const = delete;
G4bool operator!=(const G4VEvaporation &right) const = delete;