public G4VEmModel
Implementation of energy loss and delta-electron production by heavy slow charged particles using ICRU'49 and NIST evaluated data for protons
DEDX 数据参数在程序中
- PSTAR; // PSTAR G4PSTARStopping GetElectronicDEDX
- Molecula; // the molecula's table
- The data and the fit from:
- ICRU Report N49, 1993. Ziegler's model for protons.
- Proton kinetic energy for parametrisation (keV/amu)
- numberOfElements==1 // Pure material ICRU49 paralmeterisation
- The data and the fit from:
- ICRU Report 49, 1993. Ziegler's type of parametrisations.
- Proton kinetic energy for parametrisation (keV/amu)
- expStopPower125; // Experimental Stopping power at 125keV
- C{x}H{y}
- The list of molecules from
- J.F.Ziegler and J.M.Manoyan, The stopping of ions in compaunds,
- Nucl. Inst. & Meth. in Phys. Res. B35 (1988) 215-228.
- Brugg's rule calculation
ICRU Report 49, z < 92
explicit G4BraggModel(const G4ParticleDefinition* p = nullptr,
const G4String& nam = "Bragg");
virtual ~G4BraggModel();
virtual void Initialise(const G4ParticleDefinition*,
const G4DataVector&) override;
virtual G4double ComputeCrossSectionPerElectron(
const G4ParticleDefinition*,
G4double kineticEnergy,
G4double cutEnergy,
G4double maxEnergy);
virtual G4double ComputeCrossSectionPerAtom(
const G4ParticleDefinition*,
G4double kineticEnergy,
G4double Z, G4double A,
G4double cutEnergy,
G4double maxEnergy) override;
virtual G4double CrossSectionPerVolume(const G4Material*,
const G4ParticleDefinition*,
G4double kineticEnergy,
G4double cutEnergy,
G4double maxEnergy) override;
virtual G4double ComputeDEDXPerVolume(const G4Material*,
const G4ParticleDefinition*,
G4double kineticEnergy,
G4double cutEnergy) override;
virtual void SampleSecondaries(std::vector<G4DynamicParticle*>*,
const G4MaterialCutsCouple*,
const G4DynamicParticle*,
G4double tmin,
G4double maxEnergy) override;
// Compute ion charge
virtual G4double GetChargeSquareRatio(const G4ParticleDefinition*,
const G4Material*,
G4double kineticEnergy) override;
virtual G4double GetParticleCharge(const G4ParticleDefinition* p,
const G4Material* mat,
G4double kineticEnergy) override;
virtual G4double MaxSecondaryEnergy(const G4ParticleDefinition*,
G4double kinEnergy) final;
inline G4double GetChargeSquareRatio() const;
inline void SetChargeSquareRatio(G4double val);
inline void SetParticle(const G4ParticleDefinition* p);
G4bool HasMaterial(const G4Material* material);
G4double StoppingPower(const G4Material* material,
G4double kineticEnergy);
G4double ElectronicStoppingPower(G4double z,
G4double kineticEnergy) const;
G4double DEDX(const G4Material* material, G4double kineticEnergy);
G4bool MolecIsInZiegler1988(const G4Material* material);
G4double ChemicalFactor(G4double kineticEnergy, G4double eloss125) const;
// hide assignment operator
G4BraggModel & operator=(const G4BraggModel &right) = delete;
G4BraggModel(const G4BraggModel&) = delete;