Element data from the NIST DB on Atomic Weights and Isotope Compositions
static G4NistManager* Instance();
// Get G4Element by index
inline G4Element* GetElement(size_t index) const;
// Find or build G4Element by atomic number
inline G4Element* FindElement(G4int Z) const;
inline G4Element* FindOrBuildElement(G4int Z, G4bool isotopes=true);
// Find or build G4Element by symbol
inline G4Element* FindOrBuildElement(const G4String& symb,
G4bool isotopes=true);
// Get number of elements
inline size_t GetNumberOfElements() const;
// Get atomic number by element symbol
inline G4int GetZ(const G4String& symb) const;
// Get atomic weight by element symbol - mean mass in units of amu of
// an atom with electron shell for the natural isotope composition
inline G4double GetAtomicMassAmu(const G4String& symb) const;
// Get atomic weight in atomic units - mean mass in units of amu of an atom
// with electron shell for the natural isotope composition
inline G4double GetAtomicMassAmu(G4int Z) const;
// Get mass of isotope without electron shell in Geant4 energy units
inline G4double GetIsotopeMass(G4int Z, G4int N) const;
// Get mass in Geant4 energy units of an atom of a particular isotope
// with the electron shell
inline G4double GetAtomicMass(G4int Z, G4int N) const;
// Get total ionisation energy of an atom
inline G4double GetTotalElectronBindingEnergy(G4int Z) const;
// Get N for the first natural isotope
inline G4int GetNistFirstIsotopeN(G4int Z) const;
// Get number of natural isotopes
inline G4int GetNumberOfNistIsotopes(G4int Z) const;
// Get natural isotope abundance
inline G4double GetIsotopeAbundance(G4int Z, G4int N) const;
// Print element by Z
inline void PrintElement(G4int Z) const;
// Print element from internal DB by symbol, if "all" - print all elements
void PrintElement(const G4String&) const;
// Print G4Element by name, if "all" - print all G4Elements
void PrintG4Element(const G4String&) const;
// Access to the vector of Geant4 predefined element names
inline const std::vector<G4String>& GetNistElementNames() const;
// Access mean ionisation energy for atoms (Z <= 98) by its index
inline G4double GetMeanIonisationEnergy(G4int Z) const;
// Access nominal density by atomic number for simple materials and
// by the index for other NIST materials
inline G4double GetNominalDensity(G4int Z) const;
// Get G4Material by index
inline G4Material* GetMaterial(size_t index) const;
// Find or build a G4Material by name, from the Geant4 dataBase
inline G4Material* FindMaterial(const G4String& name) const;
inline G4Material* FindOrBuildMaterial(const G4String& name,
G4bool isotopes=true,
G4bool warning=false);
// Find or build a simple material via atomic number
inline G4Material* FindSimpleMaterial(G4int Z) const;
inline G4Material* FindOrBuildSimpleMaterial(G4int Z,
G4bool warning=false);
// Build G4Material with user defined name and density on base
// of a material from Geant4 dataBase
G4Material* BuildMaterialWithNewDensity(const G4String& name,
const G4String& basename,
G4double density = 0.0,
G4double temp = NTP_Temperature,
G4double pres = CLHEP::STP_Pressure);
// Construct a G4Material from scratch by atome count
inline G4Material* ConstructNewMaterial(
const G4String& name,
const std::vector<G4String>& elm,
const std::vector<G4int>& nbAtoms,
G4double dens,
G4bool isotopes=true,
G4State state = kStateSolid,
G4double temp = NTP_Temperature,
G4double pressure = CLHEP::STP_Pressure);
// Construct a G4Material from scratch by fraction mass
inline G4Material* ConstructNewMaterial(
const G4String& name,
const std::vector<G4String>& elm,
const std::vector<G4double>& weight,
G4double dens,
G4bool isotopes=true,
G4State state = kStateSolid,
G4double temp = NTP_Temperature,
G4double pressure = CLHEP::STP_Pressure);
// Construct a gas G4Material from scratch by atome count
inline G4Material* ConstructNewGasMaterial(const G4String& name,
const G4String& nameNist,
G4double temp,
G4double pres,
G4bool isotopes=true);
// Construct an ideal gas G4Material from scratch by atom count
inline G4Material* ConstructNewIdealGasMaterial(
const G4String& name,
const std::vector<G4String>& elm,
const std::vector<G4int>& nbAtoms,
G4bool isotopes = true,
G4double temp = NTP_Temperature,
G4double pressure = CLHEP::STP_Pressure);
// Get number of G4Materials
inline size_t GetNumberOfMaterials() const;
inline G4int GetVerbose() const;
void SetVerbose(G4int);
// Print G4Material by name
void PrintG4Material(const G4String&) const;
// Print predefined Geant4 materials:
// "simple" - only pure materials in basic state (Z = 1, ..., 98)
// "compound" - NIST compounds
// "hep" - HEP materials and compounds
// "bio" - bio-medical materials and compounds
// "all" - all
inline void ListMaterials(const G4String&) const;
// Access to the list of names of Geant4 predefined materials
inline const std::vector<G4String>& GetNistMaterialNames() const;
// Fast computation of Z^1/3
inline G4double GetZ13(G4double Z) const;
inline G4double GetZ13(G4int Z) const;
// Fast computation of A^0.27 for natuaral abundances
inline G4double GetA27(G4int Z) const;
// Fast computation of log(A)
inline G4double GetLOGZ(G4int Z) const;
inline G4double GetLOGAMU(G4int Z) const;
explicit G4NistManager();
static G4NistManager* instance;