This class represents information associated with the each end of a Step like the space/time data of the particle.
// Constructor/Destructor
// Copy Counstructor and assignment operator
G4StepPoint(const G4StepPoint& );
G4StepPoint & operator=(const G4StepPoint &);
public: // with description
// Get/Set functions
const G4ThreeVector& GetPosition() const;
void SetPosition(const G4ThreeVector& aValue);
void AddPosition(const G4ThreeVector& aValue);
G4double GetLocalTime() const;
void SetLocalTime(const G4double aValue);
void AddLocalTime(const G4double aValue);
// Time since the track is created.
G4double GetGlobalTime() const;
void SetGlobalTime(const G4double aValue);
void AddGlobalTime(const G4double aValue);
// Time since the event in which the track belongs is created.
G4double GetProperTime() const;
void SetProperTime(const G4double aValue);
void AddProperTime(const G4double aValue);
// Proper time of the particle.
const G4ThreeVector& GetMomentumDirection() const;
void SetMomentumDirection(const G4ThreeVector& aValue);
void AddMomentumDirection(const G4ThreeVector& aValue);
// Direction of momentum (should be an unit vector)
G4ThreeVector GetMomentum() const;
// Total momentum of the track
G4double GetTotalEnergy() const;
// Total energy of the track
G4double GetKineticEnergy() const;
void SetKineticEnergy(const G4double aValue);
void AddKineticEnergy(const G4double aValue);
// Kinetic Energy of the track
G4double GetVelocity() const;
void SetVelocity(G4double v);
G4double GetBeta() const;
// Velocity of the track in unit of c(light velocity)
G4double GetGamma() const;
// Gamma factor (1/sqrt[1-beta*beta]) of the track
G4VPhysicalVolume* GetPhysicalVolume() const;
const G4VTouchable* GetTouchable() const;
const G4TouchableHandle& GetTouchableHandle() const;
void SetTouchableHandle(const G4TouchableHandle& apValue);
G4Material* GetMaterial() const;
void SetMaterial(G4Material*);
const G4MaterialCutsCouple* GetMaterialCutsCouple() const;
void SetMaterialCutsCouple(const G4MaterialCutsCouple*);
G4VSensitiveDetector* GetSensitiveDetector() const;
void SetSensitiveDetector(G4VSensitiveDetector*);
G4double GetSafety() const;
void SetSafety(const G4double aValue);
const G4ThreeVector& GetPolarization() const;
void SetPolarization(const G4ThreeVector& aValue);
void AddPolarization(const G4ThreeVector& aValue);
G4StepStatus GetStepStatus() const;
void SetStepStatus(const G4StepStatus aValue);
const G4VProcess* GetProcessDefinedStep() const;
// If the pointer is 0, this means the Step is defined
// by the user defined limit in the current volume.
void SetProcessDefinedStep(const G4VProcess* aValue);
G4double GetMass() const;
void SetMass(G4double value);
G4double GetCharge() const;
void SetCharge(G4double value);
G4double GetMagneticMoment() const;
void SetMagneticMoment(G4double value);
void SetWeight(G4double aValue);
G4double GetWeight() const;
// Member data
G4ThreeVector fPosition;
G4double fGlobalTime;
// Time since event is created
G4double fLocalTime;
// Time since track is created
G4double fProperTime;
// Time since track is created (in rest frame of particle)
G4ThreeVector fMomentumDirection;
G4double fKineticEnergy;
G4double fVelocity;
// Momentum,energy and velocity
G4TouchableHandle fpTouchable;
// Touchable Handle
G4Material* fpMaterial;
// Material of the volmue
const G4MaterialCutsCouple* fpMaterialCutsCouple;
// MaterialCutsCouple of the volmue
G4VSensitiveDetector* fpSensitiveDetector;
G4double fSafety;
G4ThreeVector fPolarization;
G4StepStatus fStepStatus;
// DoIt type which defined the current Step.
const G4VProcess* fpProcessDefinedStep;
// Process which defined the current Step.
G4double fMass;
// Dynamical mass of the particle
G4double fCharge;
// Dynamical Charge of the particle
G4double fMagneticMoment;
// Dynamical MagneticMoment of the particle
G4double fWeight;
// Track Weight