This is the base class of one of the user's optional action classes.
This class gives the hooks for G4StackManager which controls the stacks of G4Track objects.
virtual ~G4UserStackingAction();
G4StackManager * stackManager;
inline void SetStackManager(G4StackManager * value)
{ stackManager = value; }
public: // with description
// vitual methods to be implemented by user
virtual G4ClassificationOfNewTrack
ClassifyNewTrack(const G4Track* aTrack);
// Reply G4ClassificationOfNewTrack determined by the
// newly coming G4Track.
// enum G4ClassificationOfNewTrack
// {
// fUrgent, // put into the urgent stack
// fWaiting, // put into the waiting stack
// fPostpone, // postpone to the next event
// fKill // kill without stacking
// };
// The parent_ID of the track indicates the origin of it.
// G4int parent_ID = aTrack->get_parentID();
// parent_ID = 0 : primary particle
// > 0 : secondary particle
// < 0 : postponed from the previous event
virtual void NewStage();
// This method is called by G4StackManager when the urgentStack
// becomes empty and contents in the waitingStack are transtered
// to the urgentStack.
// Note that this method is not called at the begining of each
// event, but "PrepareNewEvent" is called.
// In case re-classification of the stacked tracks is needed,
// use the following method to request to G4StackManager.
// stackManager->ReClassify();
// All of the stacked tracks in the waitingStack will be re-classified
// by "ClassifyNewTrack" method.
// To abort current event, use the following method.
// stackManager->clear();
// Note that this way is valid and safe only for the case it is called
// from this user class. The more global way of event abortion is
// G4UImanager * UImanager = G4UImanager::GetUIpointer();
// UImanager->ApplyCommand("/event/abort");
virtual void PrepareNewEvent();
// This method is called by G4StackManager at the begining of
// each event.
// Be careful that the urgentStack and the waitingStack of
// G4StackManager are empty at this moment, because this method
// is called before accepting primary particles. Also, note that
// the postponeStack of G4StackManager may have some postponed
// tracks.