Helper class to read Geant4 nuclear level data
explicit G4LevelReader(G4NuclearLevelData*);
// create run manager using G4LEVELGAMMADATA data for Z and A
const G4LevelManager* CreateLevelManager(G4int Z, G4int A);
// create run manager using whatever data
const G4LevelManager* MakeLevelManager(G4int Z, G4int A,
const G4String& filename);
inline void SetVerbose(G4int val);
G4bool ReadData(std::istringstream& dataFile, G4double& x);
G4bool ReadDataItem(std::istream& dataFile, G4double& x);
G4bool ReadDataItem(std::istream& dataFile, G4float& x);
G4bool ReadDataItem(std::istream& dataFile, G4int& x);
G4bool ReadDataItem(std::istream& dataFile, G4String& x);
const std::vector<G4float>* NormalizedICCProbability(G4int Z);
const G4LevelManager* LevelManager(G4int Z, G4int A, G4int nlev,
std::ifstream& infile);
G4LevelReader(const G4LevelReader & right) = delete;
const G4LevelReader& operator=(const G4LevelReader &right) = delete;
G4bool operator==(const G4LevelReader &right) const = delete;
G4bool operator!=(const G4LevelReader &right) const = delete;
G4NuclearLevelData* fData;
G4DeexPrecoParameters* fParam;
G4double fEnergy;
G4double fCurrEnergy;
G4double fTrEnergy;
G4double fTimeFactor;
G4double fTime;
G4float fProb;
G4float fSpin;
G4float fAlpha;
G4float fAlphaMax;
G4float fRatio;
G4float fICC[10];
static const G4int nfloting = 13;
static G4String fFloatingLevels[nfloting];
G4String fDirectory;
G4String fFile;
G4String fPol;
static const G4int nbufmax = 20;
static const G4int nbuf1 = 14;
static const G4int nbuf2 = 8;
char buffer[nbufmax];
char buff1[nbuf1];
char buff2[nbuf2];
char bufp[3];
G4int fVerbose;
G4int fLevelMax;
G4int fTransMax;
G4float fNorm1;
std::vector<G4double> vEnergy;
std::vector<G4int> vSpin;
std::vector<const G4NucLevel*> vLevel;
std::vector<G4int> vTrans;
std::vector<G4float> vRatio;
std::vector<G4float> vGammaCumProbability;
std::vector<G4float> vGammaProbability;
std::vector<const std::vector<G4float>*> vShellProbability;