THttpWSHandler : public TNamedfriend class THttpServer
/// Class for user-side handling of websocket with THttpServer
/// 1. Create derived from THttpWSHandler class and implement
/// ProcessWS() method, where all web sockets request handled.
/// 2. Register instance of derived class to running THttpServer
/// TUserWSHandler *handler = new TUserWSHandler("name1","title");
/// THttpServer *server = new THttpServer("http:8090");
/// server->Register("/subfolder", handler)
/// 3. Now server can accept web socket connection from outside.
/// For instance, from JavaScirpt one can connect to it with code:
/// var ws = new WebSocket("ws://hostname:8090/subfolder/name1/root.websocket")
/// 4. In the ProcessWS(THttpCallArg *arg) method following code should be implemented:
/// if (arg->IsMethod("WS_CONNECT")) {
/// return true; // to accept incoming request
/// }
/// if (arg->IsMethod("WS_READY")) {
/// fWSId = arg->GetWSId(); // fWSId should be member of the user class
/// return true; // connection established
/// }
/// if (arg->IsMethod("WS_CLOSE")) {
/// fWSId = 0;
/// return true; // confirm close of socket
/// }
/// if (arg->IsMethod("WS_DATA")) {
/// // received data stored as POST data
/// std::string str((const char *)arg->GetPostData(), arg->GetPostDataLength());
/// std::cout << "got string " << str << std::endl;
/// // immediately send data back using websocket id
/// SendCharStarWS(fWSId, "our reply");
/// return true;
/// }
virtual ~THttpWSHandler();
/// Provides content of default web page for registered web-socket handler
/// Can be content of HTML page or file name, where content should be taken
/// For instance, file:/home/user/test.htm or file:$jsrootsys/files/canvas.htm
/// If not specified, default index.htm page will be shown
/// Used by the webcanvas
virtual TString GetDefaultPageContent() { return ""; }
/// Return kTRUE if websocket with given ID exists
Bool_t HasWS(UInt_t wsid) const { return FindEngine(wsid) != 0; }
void CloseWS(UInt_t wsid);
void SendWS(UInt_t wsid, const void *buf, int len);
void SendCharStarWS(UInt_t wsid, const char *str);
virtual Bool_t ProcessWS(THttpCallArg *arg) = 0;