继承 TNamed, TAttAxis
This class manages histogram axis. It is referenced by TH1 and TGraph. To make a graphical representation of an histogram axis, this class references the TGaxis class. TAxis supports axis with fixed or variable bin sizes. Labels may be associated to individual bins.
// TAxis status bits
enum {
kDecimals = BIT(7),
kTickPlus = BIT(9),
kTickMinus = BIT(10),
kAxisRange = BIT(11),
kCenterTitle = BIT(12),
kCenterLabels = BIT(14), //bit 13 is used by TObject
kRotateTitle = BIT(15),
kPalette = BIT(16),
kNoExponent = BIT(17),
kLabelsHori = BIT(18),
kLabelsVert = BIT(19),
kLabelsDown = BIT(20),
kLabelsUp = BIT(21),
kIsInteger = BIT(22),
kMoreLogLabels = BIT(23)
TAxis(Int_t nbins, Double_t xmin, Double_t xmax);
TAxis(Int_t nbins, const Double_t *xbins);
TAxis(const TAxis &axis);
virtual ~TAxis();
TAxis& operator=(const TAxis&);
Bool_t CanExtend() const { return (fBits2 & kCanExtend); }
void SetCanExtend(Bool_t canExtend) { fBits2 = canExtend ? (fBits2 | kCanExtend) : (fBits2 & ~kCanExtend); }
void SetNoAlphanumeric(Bool_t noalpha = kTRUE) {
fBits2 = noalpha ? (fBits2 | kNotAlpha) : (fBits2 & ~kNotAlpha);
if (IsAlphanumeric() ) {
/// Center axis labels. If center = kTRUE axis labels will be centered
/// (hori axes only) on the bin center default is to center on the primary tick marks
/// This option does not make sense if there are more bins than tick marks
void CenterLabels(Bool_t center=kTRUE);
/// Center axis title. If center = kTRUE axis title will be centered
/// default is right adjusted
void CenterTitle(Bool_t center=kTRUE);
/// Choose a reasonable time format from the coordinates in the active pad and the number of divisions in this axis
/// If orientation = "X", the horizontal axis of the pad will be used for ref.
/// If orientation = "Y", the vertical axis of the pad will be used for ref.
const char *ChooseTimeFormat(Double_t axislength=0);
virtual void Copy(TObject &axis) const;/// Copy axis structure to another axis
virtual void Delete(Option_t * /*option*/ ="") { }
virtual Int_t DistancetoPrimitive(Int_t px, Int_t py);/// Compute distance from point px,py to an axis
virtual TObject *DrawClone(Option_t * /*option*/ ="") const {return 0;}
/// Execute action corresponding to one event
/// This member function is called when an axis is clicked with the locator.
/// The axis range is set between the position where the mouse is pressed and the position where it is released.
/// If the mouse position is outside the current axis range when it is released the axis is unzoomed with the corresponding proportions.
/// Note that the mouse does not need to be in the pad or even canvas when it is released.
virtual void ExecuteEvent(Int_t event, Int_t px, Int_t py);
/// Find bin number corresponding to abscissa x. NOTE: this method does not work with alphanumeric bins !!!
/// If x is underflow or overflow, attempt to extend the axis if TAxis::kCanExtend is true. Otherwise, return 0 or fNbins+1.
virtual Int_t FindBin(Double_t x);
virtual Int_t FindBin(Double_t x) const { return FindFixBin(x); }
/// Find bin number with label.
/// If the List of labels does not exist create it and make the axis alphanumeric
/// If one wants just to add a single label- just call TAxis::SetBinLabel
/// If label is not in the list of labels do the following depending on the
/// bit TAxis::kCanExtend; of the axis.
/// - if the bit is set add the new label and if the number of labels exceeds
/// the number of bins, double the number of bins via TH1::LabelsInflate
/// - if the bit is not set and the histogram has labels in each bin
/// set the bit automatically and consider the histogram as alphanumeric
/// if histogram has only some bins with labels then the histogram is not
/// consider alphanumeric and return -1
/// -1 is returned only when the Axis has no parent histogram
virtual Int_t FindBin(const char *label);
/// Find bin number corresponding to abscissa x
/// Identical to TAxis::FindBin except that if x is an underflow/overflow no attempt is made to extend the axis.
virtual Int_t FindFixBin(Double_t x) const;
/// Find bin number with label.
/// If the List of labels does not exist or the label doe not exist just return -1 .
/// Do not attempt to modify the axis. This is different than FindBin
virtual Int_t FindFixBin(const char *label) const;
virtual Double_t GetBinCenter(Int_t bin) const;/// Return center of bin
/// Return center of bin in log
/// With a log-equidistant binning for a bin with low and up edges, the mean is :
/// 0.5*(ln low + ln up) i.e. sqrt(low*up) in logx (e.g. sqrt(10^0*10^2) = 10).
/// Imagine a bin with low=1 and up=100 :
/// - the center in lin is (100-1)/2=50.5
/// - the center in log would be sqrt(1*100)=10 (!=log(50.5))
/// NB: if the low edge of the bin is negative, the function returns the bin center
/// as computed by TAxis::GetBinCenter
virtual Double_t GetBinCenterLog(Int_t bin) const;
const char *GetBinLabel(Int_t bin) const;/// Return label for bin
virtual Double_t GetBinLowEdge(Int_t bin) const;/// Return low edge of bin
virtual Double_t GetBinUpEdge(Int_t bin) const;/// Return up edge of bin
virtual Double_t GetBinWidth(Int_t bin) const;/// Return bin width
virtual void GetCenter(Double_t *center) const;/// Return an array with the center of all bins
Bool_t GetCenterLabels() const { return TestBit(kCenterLabels); }
Bool_t GetCenterTitle() const { return TestBit(kCenterTitle); }
Bool_t GetDecimals() const { return TestBit(kDecimals); }
THashList *GetLabels() const { return fLabels; }
virtual void GetLowEdge(Double_t *edge) const;/// Return an array with the lod edge of all bins
Bool_t GetMoreLogLabels() const { return TestBit(kMoreLogLabels); }
Int_t GetNbins() const { return fNbins; }
Bool_t GetNoExponent() const { return TestBit(kNoExponent); }
virtual TObject *GetParent() const {return fParent;}
Bool_t GetRotateTitle() const { return TestBit(kRotateTitle); }
virtual const char *GetTicks() const;/// Return the ticks option (see SetTicks)
virtual Bool_t GetTimeDisplay() const {return fTimeDisplay;}
virtual const char *GetTimeFormat() const {return fTimeFormat.Data();}
virtual const char *GetTimeFormatOnly() const;/// Return *only* the time format from the string fTimeFormat
const char *GetTitle() const {return fTitle.Data();}
const TArrayD *GetXbins() const {return &fXbins;}
/// Return first bin on the axis
/// i.e. 1 if no range defined
/// NOTE: in some cases a zero is returned (see TAxis::SetRange)
Int_t GetFirst() const;
/// Return last bin on the axis
/// i.e. fNbins if no range defined
/// NOTE: in some cases a zero is returned (see TAxis::SetRange)
Int_t GetLast() const;
Double_t GetXmin() const {return fXmin;}
Double_t GetXmax() const {return fXmax;}
virtual void ImportAttributes(const TAxis *axis);/// Copy axis attributes to this
Bool_t IsVariableBinSize() const {
// true if axis has variable bin sizes, false otherwise
return (fXbins.GetSize() != 0);
/// Set option(s) to draw axis with labels
/// option = "a" sort by alphabetic order
/// = ">" sort by decreasing values
/// = "<" sort by increasing values
/// = "h" draw labels horizonthal
/// = "v" draw labels vertical
/// = "u" draw labels up (end of label right adjusted)
/// = "d" draw labels down (start of label left adjusted)
virtual void LabelsOption(Option_t *option="h"); // *MENU*
/// Rotate title by 180 degrees. By default the title is drawn right adjusted.
/// If rotate is TRUE, the title is left adjusted at the end of the axis and rotated by 180 degrees
void RotateTitle(Bool_t rotate=kTRUE); // *TOGGLE* *GETTER=GetRotateTitle
virtual void SaveAttributes(std::ostream &out, const char *name, const char *subname);/// Save axis attributes as C++ statement(s) on output stream out
virtual void Set(Int_t nbins, Double_t xmin, Double_t xmax);/// Initialize axis with fix bins
virtual void Set(Int_t nbins, const Float_t *xbins);/// Initialize axis with variable bins
virtual void Set(Int_t nbins, const Double_t *xbins);/// Initialize axis with variable bins
/// Set label for bin.
/// If no label list exists, it is created. If all the bins have labels, the
/// axis becomes alphanumeric and extendable.
/// New labels will not be added with the Fill method but will end-up in the
/// underflow bin. See documentation of TAxis::FindBin(const char*)
virtual void SetBinLabel(Int_t bin, const char *label);//设置bin名称
/// Sets the decimals flag
/// By default, blank characters are stripped, and then the label is correctly aligned.
/// If the dot is the last character of the string, it is also stripped, unless this option is specified.
void SetDecimals(Bool_t dot = kTRUE); // *TOGGLE* *GETTER=GetDecimals
virtual void SetDefaults();/// Set axis default values (from TStyle)
virtual void SetDrawOption(Option_t * /*option*/ ="") { }
virtual void SetLimits(Double_t xmin, Double_t xmax) { /* set axis limits */ fXmin = xmin; fXmax = xmax; }
/// Set the kMoreLogLabels bit flag
/// When this option is selected more labels are drawn when in log scale and there is a small number
/// of decades (<3).
/// The flag (in fBits) is passed to the drawing function TGaxis::PaintAxis
void SetMoreLogLabels(Bool_t more=kTRUE); // *TOGGLE* *GETTER=GetMoreLogLabels
/// Set the NoExponent flag
/// By default, an exponent of the form 10^N is used when the label value are either all very small or very large.
/// The flag (in fBits) is passed to the drawing function TGaxis::PaintAxis
void SetNoExponent(Bool_t noExponent=kTRUE); // *TOGGLE* *GETTER=GetNoExponent
virtual void SetParent(TObject *obj) {fParent = obj;}
/// Set the viewing range for the axis from bin first to last.
/// To set a range using the axis coordinates, use TAxis::SetRangeUser.
virtual void SetRange(Int_t first=0, Int_t last=0); // *MENU*
/// Set the viewing range for the axis from ufirst to ulast (in user coordinates).
/// To set a range using the axis bin numbers, use TAxis::SetRange.
virtual void SetRangeUser(Double_t ufirst, Double_t ulast); // *MENU* 人为设置坐标范围!
/// Set ticks orientation.
/// option = "+" ticks drawn on the "positive side" (default)
/// option = "-" ticks drawn on the "negative side"
/// option = "+-" ticks drawn on both sides
virtual void SetTicks(Option_t *option="+"); // *MENU* // option = "+" ticks drawn on the "positive side" (default) ; option = "-" ticks drawn on the "negative side" ; option = "+-" ticks drawn on both sides
virtual void SetTimeDisplay(Int_t value) {fTimeDisplay = (value != 0);} // *TOGGLE*
/// Change the format used for time plotting
/// The format string for date and time use the same options as the one used
/// in the standard strftime C function, i.e. :
/// for date :
/// %a abbreviated weekday name
/// %b abbreviated month name
/// %d day of the month (01-31)
/// %m month (01-12)
/// %y year without century
/// for time :
/// %H hour (24-hour clock)
/// %I hour (12-hour clock)
/// %p local equivalent of AM or PM
/// %M minute (00-59)
/// %S seconds (00-61)
/// %% %
/// This function allows also to define the time offset. It is done via %F
/// which should be appended at the end of the format string. The time
/// offset has the following format: 'yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss'
virtual void SetTimeFormat(const char *format=""); // *MENU*
/// Change the time offset
/// If option = "gmt", set display mode to GMT.
virtual void SetTimeOffset(Double_t toffset, Option_t *option="local");
virtual void UnZoom(); // *MENU* /// Reset first & last bin to the full range
/// Zoom out by a factor of 'factor' (default =2)
/// uses previous zoom factor by default
/// Keep center defined by 'offset' fixed
/// ie. -1 at left of current range, 0 in center, +1 at right
virtual void ZoomOut(Double_t factor=0, Double_t offset=0); // *MENU*
TAxis *axis=h1->GetXaxis();
TAxis *axisy=h1->GetYaxis();
//直方图坐标设置 TAttAxis.h
h3->GetXaxis()->SetNdivisions(611);//坐标刻度设置,n = n1 + 100*n2 + 10000*n3 ,Where n1 is the number of primary divisions, n2 is the number of second order divisions and n3 is the number of third order divisions.
h3->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("ratio h1/h2 ");
//1 black;2 red;3 green;4 blue;5yellow;6 magenta;……
h1->SetLogx(); //设置x轴为对数坐标轴
h->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("X axis title");
h->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Y axis title");
h->GetZaxis()->SetTitle("Z axis title");
h1->SetTitle("title name;X axis;Y axis");
h1->SetFrameFillColor(33); //设置图片背景颜色
/// Change the format used for time plotting
/// The format string for date and time use the same options as the one used
/// in the standard strftime C function, i.e. :
/// for date :
/// %a abbreviated weekday name
/// %b abbreviated month name
/// %d day of the month (01-31)
/// %m month (01-12)
/// %y year without century
/// for time :
/// %H hour (24-hour clock)
/// %I hour (12-hour clock)
/// %p local equivalent of AM or PM
/// %M minute (00-59)
/// %S seconds (00-61)
/// %% %
/// This function allows also to define the time offset. It is done via %F
/// which should be appended at the end of the format string. The time
/// offset has the following format: 'yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss'
/// Example:
h = new TH1F("Test","h",3000,0.,200000.);
h->GetXaxis()->SetTimeFormat("%d\/%m\/%y%F2000-02-28 13:00:01");
/// This defines the time format being "dd/mm/yy" and the time offset as the
/// February 28th 2003 at 13:00:01
/// If %F is not specified, the time offset used will be the one defined by:
/// gStyle->SetTimeOffset. For example like that:
TDatime da(2003,02,28,12,00,00);