TSQLObjectData is used in TBufferSQL2 class in reading procedure. It contains data, request from database table for one specific object for one specific class. For instance, when data for class TH1 required, requests will be done to TH1_ver4 and TH1_raw4 tables and result of these requests will be kept in single TSQLObjectData instance.
TSQLObjectDataPool contains list (pool) of data from single class table for differents objects, all belonging to the same key. This is typical situation when list of objects stored as single key. To optimize reading of such data, one query is submitted and results of that query kept in TSQLObjectDataPool object
class TSQLObjectInfo : public TObject
class TSQLObjectData : public TObject
class TSQLObjectDataPool : public TObject
TSQLObjectInfo(Long64_t objid, const char *classname, Version_t version);
virtual ~TSQLObjectInfo();
Long64_t GetObjId() const { return fObjId; }
const char *GetObjClassName() const { return fClassName.Data(); }
Version_t GetObjVersion() const { return fVersion; }
Long64_t fObjId;
TString fClassName;
Version_t fVersion;
TSQLObjectData(TSQLClassInfo *sqlinfo, Long64_t objid, TSQLResult *classdata, TSQLRow *classrow,
TSQLResult *blobdata, TSQLStatement *blobstmt);
virtual ~TSQLObjectData();
Long64_t GetObjId() const { return fObjId; }
TSQLClassInfo *GetInfo() const { return fInfo; }
Bool_t LocateColumn(const char *colname, Bool_t isblob = kFALSE);/// locate column of that name in results
Bool_t IsBlobData() const { return fCurrentBlob || (fUnpack != 0); }
void ShiftToNextValue();/// shift to next column or next row in blob data
void AddUnpack(const char *tname, const char *value);
/// add emulated data
/// this used to place version or TObject raw data, read from normal tables
void AddUnpackInt(const char *tname, Int_t value);/// emulate integer value in raw data
const char *GetValue() const { return fLocatedValue; }
const char *GetLocatedField() const { return fLocatedField; }
const char *GetBlobPrefixName() const { return fBlobPrefixName; }
const char *GetBlobTypeName() const { return fBlobTypeName; }
Bool_t VerifyDataType(const char *tname, Bool_t errormsg = kTRUE);/// checks if data type corresponds to that stored in raw table
Bool_t PrepareForRawData();/// prepare to read data from raw table
Bool_t ExtractBlobValues();/// extract from curent blob row value and names identifiers
Bool_t ShiftBlobRow();/// shift cursor to next blob value
Int_t GetNumClassFields();/// return number of columns in class table result
const char *GetClassFieldName(Int_t n);/// get name of class table column
TSQLClassInfo *fInfo; //!
Long64_t fObjId; //!
Bool_t fOwner; //!
TSQLResult *fClassData; //!
TSQLResult *fBlobData; //!
TSQLStatement *fBlobStmt; //!
Int_t fLocatedColumn; //!
TSQLRow *fClassRow; //!
TSQLRow *fBlobRow; //!
const char *fLocatedField; //!
const char *fLocatedValue; //!
Bool_t fCurrentBlob; //!
const char *fBlobPrefixName; ///<! name prefix in current blob row
const char *fBlobTypeName; ///<! name type (without prefix) in current blob row
TObjArray *fUnpack; //!
TSQLObjectDataPool(TSQLClassInfo *info, TSQLResult *data);
virtual ~TSQLObjectDataPool();
TSQLClassInfo *GetSqlInfo() const { return fInfo; }
TSQLResult *GetClassData() const { return fClassData; }
TSQLRow *GetObjectRow(Long64_t objid);/// Returns single sql row with object data for that class
TSQLClassInfo *fInfo; ///<! classinfo, for which pool is created
TSQLResult *fClassData; ///<! results with request to selected table
Bool_t fIsMoreRows; ///<! indicates if class data has not yet read rows
TList *fRowsPool; ///<! pool of extrcted, but didnot used rows