A general-purpose digital data acquisition system (GDDAQ) has been developed at Peking University. This GDDAQ, composed of 16-channel Digital Pulse Processor Pixie-16 modules from XIA LLC, is a versatile, flexible, and easily expandable data acquisition system for nuclear physics research in China. The software used by this GDDAQ is based on the CERN ROOT framework and developed and tested in CentOS 7 LINUX operating platform. A flexible trigger system has also been developed to accommodate different experimental settings. A user-friendly software GUI helps users monitor and debug the detection system in real timer or offline. Many offline analysis tools have been developed to help users quickly optimize parameters for various types of detectors without the need for time-consuming tests and measurements. This GDDAQ has been successfully implemented in several nuclear physics experiments and its versatility and high efficiency have been demonstrated.
GUI Qt: 2024.12.24
- GUI ROOT Version: 2024.10.25
RealDecoder Version: 2023.08.19
DecodeAndSortAll Version: 2022.04.17
EventBuilder Version: 2022.05.01
DataAnalysis framework Version: 2022.12.25
Download the latest version: PKUXIADAQ
manual version in web page: 简体中文/English
For web page MZTIO manual, please click: English/简体中文
If you have any comments or suggestions for this project(function addition or improvement), please send an email to Hongyi Wu(
We will improve the Chinese/English manuals of the software as soon as possible.
This manual applies only to XIA LLC Pixie-16
This program is developed by the Group of Experimental Nuclear Physics, Peking University .
The earliest graphical interface development of this program is based on NSCL DDAS Nscope .
Technical adviser:
Hui Tan 谭辉(XIA LLC)
Wolfgang Hennig(XIA LLC)
Software Developer:
- 2015 - 2016
Jing Li 李晶(
- 2016 - now
Hongyi Wu 吴鸿毅(
Principal author of the instruction:
Art director:
Yi Song 宋祎
The development of this program is supported by the following:
Institute of Modern Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences(IMP)
China Institute of Atomic Energy(CIAE)
The University of Hong Kong(HKU)
Shandong University, Weihai(SDU)
This program is applicable to XIA Pixie16 module, which supports the 100/250/500 MHz sampling rates(specifically, information about the module can be found in File->About in the graphics software) and supports up to 8-chassis synchronous operation, that maeans, at least 1600-channel signals are simultaneously collected. This package requires the CERN ROOT6 version and the resolution display above 1920x1080.
The program is designed to be compatible with the 100/250/500 MHz modules. Simply add the firmware location of the corresponding sample rate modules to cfgPixie16.txt. The program can automatically identify the module’s type and load the corresponding firmware.
Currently we have tested most types of modules, so you can run the type of modules of our tested by default. To support other types, please contact XIA LLC to obtain the corresponding firmware or contact Hongyi Wu(
File contents
The following files/folders are included in the user’s use package:
master branch
DataAnalysis(data analysis,optional)
DecodeAndSortAll(Converting raw binary data to ROOT file)
EventBuilder(event builder,optional)
- firmware
firmware/ of firmware)
- mysql
NOGUI(Non-graphics software)
OnlineStattics(Online monitoring program)
parset(parameter setting file)
software(non-standard pixie16 driver API revised by Hongyi Wu)
PlxSdk823.tar(Plx9054 driver)
pages branch
README(manual version in markdown)
docs(Web page manual) for home page)
README.pdf(manual version in pdf)
Update plan
The main control interface development based on the ROOT GUI is highly complex, which is difficult for users to modify now. It is not easy for users to develop their own version based on this program.
- We are also developing acquisition software for online/offline analysis based on web control:
If you use part of this software, please cite the following paper: