# TKeyMapFile* ``` Utility class for browsing TMapFile objects. When the browser is invoked for a TMapFile, a TKeyMapFile object is created for each object in the mapped file. When a TKeyMapFile object is clicked in the browser, a new copy of this object is copied into the local directory and the action corresponding to object->Browse is executed (typically Draw). ``` ```cpp class TKeyMapFile : public TNamed ``` ## class ```cpp private: TKeyMapFile(const TKeyMapFile&); // TKeyMapFile objects are not copiable. TKeyMapFile& operator=(const TKeyMapFile&); // TKeyMapFile objects are not copiable. TMapFile *fMapFile; ///< Pointer to map file public: TKeyMapFile(); TKeyMapFile(const char *name, const char *classname, TMapFile *mapfile); virtual ~TKeyMapFile() {;} virtual void Browse(TBrowser *b); ```