.. PLULib.rst --- .. .. Description: .. Author: Hongyi Wu(吴鸿毅) .. Email: wuhongyi@qq.com .. Created: 四 11月 29 19:01:36 2018 (+0800) .. Last-Updated: 二 12月 31 17:29:03 2019 (+0800) .. By: Hongyi Wu(吴鸿毅) .. Update #: 14 .. URL: http://wuhongyi.cn ################################################## PLULib ################################################## ============================================================ PLULib Test ============================================================ The connection parameters to correctly run the demo are: - connection type -> the identifier of the active communication link: - 0 = USB direct link - 1 = Ethernet link - 2 = USB-to-VME through the V1718 CAEN Bridge - 3 = CONET-to-VME through the V2718 CAEN Brdige - device_serial_number -> the serial number of the target board. This parameter is meaningful only in case of USB direct link; do not add it to the command string otherwise. - ip -> the IP address of the target board. This parameter is meaningful only in case of Ethernet connection to the DT5495 board; do not add it to the command string otherwise. - b -> the VME Base Address of the target board. This parameter is meaningful only in case of connection to the V2495 board through a CAEN Bridge (V2718/V1718); do not add it to the command string otherwise. .. code:: bash # 很奇怪的问题,我们插件的控制需要用以下的命令 ./CAENPLUTest -c 0 -sn 0025; PLULib 支持以下方式的通讯: - PC → USB-to-miniUSB → V2495/DT5495 - PC → ETH → DT5495 - PC → PCI (A2818) → CONET → V2718 → VME → V2495 - PC → PCIe (A3818) → CONET → V2718 → VME → V2495 - PC → USB → V1718 → VME → V2495 ============================================================ Error Codes ============================================================ .. code:: cpp enum CAEN_PLU_ERROR_CODE { CAEN_PLU_OK =0, CAEN_PLU_GENERIC =-1, CAEN_PLU_INTERFACE =-2, CAEN_PLU_FPGA =-3, CAEN_PLU_TRANSFER_MAX_LENGTH =-4, CAEN_PLU_NOTCONNECTED =-5, CAEN_PLU_NO_DATA_AVAILABLE =-6, CAEN_PLU_TOO_MANY_DEVICES_CONNECTED =-7, CAEN_PLU_INVALID_HANDLE =-8, CAEN_PLU_INVALID_HARDWARE =-9, CAEN_PLU_INVALID_PARAMETERS = -10 }; .. image:: /_static/img/PLULib_returncodestable.png ============================================================ 库函数 ============================================================ ---------------------------------------------------------------------- OpenDevice ---------------------------------------------------------------------- The connection with a device in your network can be established using this function. It returns a handle that can be used later to interact with the system. .. code:: cpp CAEN_PLU_API CAEN_PLU_ERROR_CODE CAEN_PLU_OpenDevice(t_ConnectionModes connection_mode, char *IPAddress_or_SN_or_VMEBaseAddress, int TCPPort_or_VMElink, int UDPPort_or_VMEConetNode, int *handle); .. image:: /_static/img/PLULib_OpenDevice_Argument.png CAEN_PLU_OK (0) in case of success. Negative numbers are error codes (see Error Codes). .. code:: cpp // Connecting to a PLU module (V2495 or DT5495) via direct USB link: ret = CAEN_PLU_OpenDevice(CAEN_PLU_CONNECT_DIRECT_USB, "4", 0, 0, &handle); // A connection via a Ethernet is opened with: ret = CAEN_PLU_OpenDevice(CAEN_PLU_CONNECT_DIRECT_ETH, "", 0, 0, &handle); // V1718 access can be opened with: ret = CAEN_PLU_OpenDevice(CAEN_PLU_CONNECT_VME_V1718, vme_base_address, 0, 0, &handle); // V2718 bridge connection can be opened with: ret = CAEN_PLU_OpenDevice(CAEN_PLU_CONNECT_VME_V2718, vme_base_address, 0, 0, &handle); // In both the latter cases, a VME Base Address of the PLU module must be specified. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- CloseDevice ---------------------------------------------------------------------- This function closes the connection with the programmable logic unit. The CloseDevice function must be called before to exit the application. .. code:: cpp CAEN_PLU_API CAEN_PLU_ERROR_CODE CAEN_PLU_OpenDevice(int handle); Return Values : 0: Success. Negative numbers are error codes (see Error Codes). .. code:: cpp // Close the device with: ret = CAEN_PLU_CloseDevice(handle); ---------------------------------------------------------------------- WriteReg ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Generic write access to a register of the device. .. code:: cpp CAEN_PLU_API CAEN_PLU_ERROR_CODE CAEN_PLU_WriteReg( int handle, uint32_t address, uint32_t value ); .. image:: /_static/img/PLULib_WriteReg_Argument.png Return Values: 0: Success. Negative numbers are error codes. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ReadReg ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Generic read access to a register of the device. .. code:: cpp CAEN_PLU_API CAEN_PLU_ERROR_CODE CAEN_PLU_ReadReg(int handle, int32_t address, int32_t *value); .. image:: /_static/img/PLULib_ReadReg_Argument.png Return Values: 0: Success. Negative numbers are error codes. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- WriteData32 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- This function writes 32-bit data into memory. .. code:: cpp CAEN_PLU_API CAEN_PLU_ERROR_CODE CAEN_PLU_WriteData32(int handle, uint32_t start_address, uint32_t size, uint32_t *value); .. image:: /_static/img/PLULib_WriteData32_Argument.png Return Values: 0: Success; Negative numbers are error codes. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- WriteFIFO32 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- This function writes 32-bit data at the same address (FIFO mode). .. code:: cpp CAEN_PLU_API CAEN_PLU_ERROR_CODE CAEN_PLU_WriteFIFO32(int handle, uint32_t start_address, uint32_t size, uint32_t *value); .. image:: /_static/img/PLULib_WriteFIFO32_Argument.png Return Values: 0: Success. Negative numbers are error codes. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ReadData32 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- This function reads 32-bit data from memory. .. code:: cpp CAEN_PLU_API CAEN_PLU_ERROR_CODE CAEN_PLU_ReadData32(int handle, uint32_t start_address, uint32_t size, uint32_t *value, uint32_t *nw); .. image:: /_static/img/PLULib_ReadData32_Argument.png Return Values: 0: Success. Negative numbers are error codes. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ReadFIFO32 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- This function reads 32-bit data from the same adddress (FIFO mode). .. code:: cpp CAEN_PLU_API CAEN_PLU_ERROR_CODE CAEN_PLU_ReadFIFO32(int handle, uint32_t address, uint32_t size, uint32_t *value, uint32_t *nw); .. image:: /_static/img/PLULib_ReadFIFO32_Argument.png Return Values: 0: Success. Negative numbers are error codes. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- USBEnumerate ---------------------------------------------------------------------- This function enumerates the boards connected via USB direct link. .. code:: cpp CAEN_PLU_API CAEN_PLU_ERROR_CODE CAEN_PLU_USBEnumerate(tUSBDevice *pvArg1, uint32_t *numDevs); .. image:: /_static/img/PLULib_USBEnumerate_Argument.png Return Values: 0: Success. Negative numbers are error codes. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- USBEnumerateSerialNumber ---------------------------------------------------------------------- This function enumerates the boards connected via USB direct link and returns a Serial Number as a string. .. code:: cpp CAEN_PLU_API CAEN_PLU_ERROR_CODE CAEN_PLU_USBEnumerateSerialNumber(unsigned int *numDevs, char *DeviceSNs, uint32_t buffersize); .. image:: /_static/img/PLULib_USBEnumerateSerialNumber_Argument.png Return Values: 0: Success. Negative numbers are error codes. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- InitGateAndDelayGenerators ---------------------------------------------------------------------- This function performs the Gate and Delay initialization. **It MUST be called prior to any Gate and Delay function call.** .. code:: cpp CAEN_PLU_API CAEN_PLU_ERROR_CODE CAEN_PLU_InitGateAndDelayGenerators(int handle); Return Values: 0: Success. Negative numbers are error codes. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- SetGateAndDelayGenerator ---------------------------------------------------------------------- This function enables and sets **a single** gate and delay generator channel. .. code:: cpp CAEN_PLU_API CAEN_PLU_ERROR_CODE CAEN_PLU_SetGateAndDelayGenerator(int handle, uint32_t channel, uint32_t enable, uint32_t gate, uint32_t delay, uint32_t scale_factor); **Note: Gate+Delay parameters cannot exceed 65535.** .. image:: /_static/img/PLULib_SetGateAndDelayGenerator_Argument.png Return Values: 0: Success. Negative numbers are error codes. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- SetGateAndDelayGenerators ---------------------------------------------------------------------- This function enables and set **ALL** gate and delay generators channels with a common value. .. code:: cpp CAEN_PLU_API CAEN_PLU_ERROR_CODE CAEN_PLU_SetGateAndDelayGenerators(int handle, uint32_t gate, uint32_t delay, uint32_t scale_factor); **Note: Gate+Delay parameters cannot exceed 65535.** .. image:: /_static/img/PLULib_SetGateAndDelayGenerators_Argument.png Return Values: 0: Success. Negative numbers are error codes. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- GetGateAndDelayGenerator ---------------------------------------------------------------------- This function gets the Gate and Delay channel parameters. .. code:: cpp CAEN_PLU_API CAEN_PLU_ERROR_CODE CAEN_PLU_GetGateAndDelayGenerator(int handle, uint32_t channel, uint32_t *gate, uint32_t *delay, uint32_t *scale_factor); .. image:: /_static/img/PLULib_GetGateAndDelayGenerator_Argument.png Return Values: 0: Success. Negative numbers are error codes. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- EnableFlashAccess ---------------------------------------------------------------------- By this function, it is possible to enable the Flash access. **It MUST be called prior to any Flash access function call.** .. code:: cpp CAEN_PLU_API CAEN_PLU_ERROR_CODE CAEN_PLU_EnableFlashAccess(int handle, t_FPGA_V2495 FPGA); .. image:: /_static/img/PLULib_EnableFlashAccess_Argument.png Return Values: 0: Success. Negative numbers are error codes. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- DisableFlashAccess ---------------------------------------------------------------------- By this function, it is possible to disable the Flash access. **It MUST be called prior to any flash access function call.** .. code:: cpp CAEN_PLU_API CAEN_PLU_ERROR_CODE CAEN_PLU_DisableFlashAccess(int handle, t_FPGA_V2495 FPGA); .. image:: /_static/img/PLULib_DisableFlashAccess_Argument.png Return Values: 0: Success. Negative numbers are error codes. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- DeleteFlashSector ---------------------------------------------------------------------- This function deletes a single Flash sector. .. code:: cpp CAEN_PLU_API CAEN_PLU_ERROR_CODE CAEN_PLU_DeleteFlashSector(int handle, t_FPGA_V2495 FPGA, uint32_t sector); **Note: Please, BE AWARE that some sectors are reserved for factory and user firmware. User storage area is in sectors 106-510 for MAIN Flash and sectors 458-510 for USER Flash. DELAY Flash should not be used for user data.** .. image:: /_static/img/PLULib_DeleteFlashSector_Argument.png Return Values: 0: Success. Negative numbers are error codes. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- WriteFlashData ---------------------------------------------------------------------- This function allows to write data into the Flash. .. code:: cpp CAEN_PLU_API CAEN_PLU_ERROR_CODE CAEN_PLU_WriteFlashData(int handle, t_FPGA_V2495 FPGA, uint32_t address, uint32_t *data, uint32_t length); .. image:: /_static/img/PLULib_WriteFlashData_Argument.png Return Values: 0: Success. Negative numbers are error codes. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ReadFlashData ---------------------------------------------------------------------- This function allows to read data from the Flash. .. code:: cpp CAEN_PLU_API CAEN_PLU_ERROR_CODE CAEN_PLU_ReadFlashData(int handle, t_FPGA_V2495 FPGA, uint32_t address, uint32_t *data, uint32_t length); .. image:: /_static/img/PLULib_ReadFlashData_Argument.png Return Values: 0: Success. Negative numbers are error codes. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- GetInfo ---------------------------------------------------------------------- This function retrieves the module information. .. code:: cpp CAEN_PLU_API CAEN_PLU_ERROR_CODE CAEN_PLU_GetInfo(int handle, tBOARDInfo *HWOPTIONS; .. image:: /_static/img/PLULib_GetInfo_Argument.png Return Values: 0: Success. Negative numbers are error codes. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- GetSerialNumber ---------------------------------------------------------------------- This function retrieves the module serial number stored into the Configuration ROM .. code:: cpp CAEN_PLU_API CAEN_PLU_ERROR_CODE CAEN_PLU_GetSerialNumber(int handle, char *sn, uint32_t buffersize); .. image:: /_static/img/PLULib_GetSerialNumber_Argument.png Return Values: 0: Success. Negative numbers are error codes. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ConnectionStatus ---------------------------------------------------------------------- This function gets the current connection status from the unit. .. code:: cpp CAEN_PLU_API CAEN_PLU_ERROR_CODE CAEN_PLU_ConnectionStatus(int handle, int *status); .. image:: /_static/img/PLULib_ConnectionStatus_Argument.png Return Values: 0: Success. Negative numbers are error codes. ============================================================ 数据结构和类型描述 ============================================================ ---------------------------------------------------------------------- t_ConnectionModes ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Enumerated type for the kind of connection link. .. code:: cpp typedef enum { CAEN_PLU_CONNECT_DIRECT_USB, CAEN_PLU_CONNECT_DIRECT_ETH, CAEN_PLU_CONNECT_VME_V1718, CAEN_PLU_CONNECT_VME_V2718, } t_ConnectionModes; .. image:: /_static/img/PLULib_t_ConnectionModes_Fields.png ---------------------------------------------------------------------- t_FPGA_V2495 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Enumerated type for the kind of V2495/DT5495 target FPGA. .. code:: cpp typedef enum { FPGA_MAIN = 0, FPGA_USER = 1, FPGA_DELAY = 2 } t_FPGA_V2495; .. image:: /_static/img/PLULib_t_FPGA_V2495_Fields.png ---------------------------------------------------------------------- tBOARDInfo ---------------------------------------------------------------------- This structure defines the board generic information from the Configuration ROM. .. code:: cpp typedef struct _tBOARDInfo { uint32_t checksum; uint32_t checksum_length2; uint32_t checksum_length1; uint32_t checksum_length0; uint32_t checksum_constant2; uint32_t checksum_constant1; uint32_t checksum_constant0; uint32_t c_code; uint32_t r_code; uint32_t oui2; uint32_t oui1; uint32_t oui0; uint32_t version; uint32_t board2; uint32_t board1; uint32_t board0; uint32_t revis3; uint32_t revis2; uint32_t revis1; uint32_t revis0; uint32_t reserved[12]; uint32_t sernum1; uint32_t sernum0; } tBOARDInfo; .. image:: /_static/img/PLULib_tBOARDInfo_Fields.png ---------------------------------------------------------------------- _tUSBDevice ---------------------------------------------------------------------- This structure defines the USB device descriptor. .. code:: cpp typedef struct _tUSBDevice { uint32_t id; char SN[64]; char DESC[64]; } tUSBDevice; .. image:: /_static/img/PLULib_tUSBDevice_Fields.png .. .. PLULib.rst ends here